
• اسعار الغزول انخفضت بنسبة 25% خلال 3 اسابيع.

• النائب العام اقر بصحة اجراءات انتفاع شركة إندوراما شبين (شبين الكوم سابقا).

Product Name : Texpa Machines
Model : High End Manufacturing Lines for Home Textiles
Specs : Based on roughly 50 years of experience in system design and production and as a worldwide leader and producer of fully automatic systems for cutting, sewing, folding and packaging of home textiles, TEXPA offers you customer-designed machines according to your individual needs.
Product Name : Non-Woven Production Machines
Model : NSC Non-Woven
Specs : NSC nonwoven designs and manufactures integrated production lines which produce textile fabrics in a continuous process.
Product Name : Melco Amaya XT
Model : Amaya XT
Specs : AMAYA XT professional embroidery machine is no ordinary multi-head system, the multi-task capabilities can produce like no other multi-head on the market. Today’s embroidery production demands are quite diverse. AMAYA XT’s multi-task abilities and connectivity capacity enables businesses to take full advantage of consumer demand. Melco understands that investing in professional embroidery equipment is the most important decision our clients will make for their businesses.
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