
• اسعار الغزول انخفضت بنسبة 25% خلال 3 اسابيع.

• النائب العام اقر بصحة اجراءات انتفاع شركة إندوراما شبين (شبين الكوم سابقا).

Who Is Monitrade?
Monitrade, is a leading Textile Agency Located in Egypt. Since 1989 Monitrade has been dealing with the biggest names in the industry, serving them and looking after their needs.
Almost no Company in the Egyptian Spinning Industry haven’t Dealt with Monitrade. Highly Trusted Brand Names in the Industry like Bräcker, N. Schlumberger and many more.

Why Monitrade?
1. Monitrade Always serve you on time.
2. Monitrade understands the Egyptian Textile Industry.
3. Monitrade provides solutions, not only sells.
4. Monitrade Cares about your profitability.
5. Monitrade Is Here To Stay.
6. Monitrade Is Here To Grow.
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